Assalam oalikum,
Saoud Ibn Ibrahim Mohamed Ala Shuraim was born in Riyad, in 1965. After he got his baccalaureate degree he enrolled in the Institute of Oussoul Al Dine which is a branch of the prestigious Imam Mohamed Ibn Saoud University in Riyad.
He chose the subject of Akida. Some of his teachers at the Institute were Sheikh Faouzane, Sheikh Al Baz, Sheikh Al Barak, Sheikh Ibn Jibrine, Sheikh Al Rajihi and Sheikh Al Ghoudaine.
He went on to become a teacher in the same Islamic law institute from where he had got his Master’s degree.
Later on, he was recruited as an Imam in the Masjid- Al- Haram mosque by the king Fahd. A year later, he was appointed as a Qazi (judge) in the High Court of Mecca. He did his doctorate from the University of Oum Al Qoura in Mecca. Since then he has been appointed as a teacher in the Masjid- Al- Hassan mosque. He has penned quite a few books on topics such as Haj, Oussoul Al fikh, the Resurrection of Manhdi etc
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3 Al-Imran (The Family of Imran),سورة آل عمران
4 An-Nisa (The Women),سورة النساء
5 Al-Ma'ida (The Table),سورة المائدة
6 Al-An'am (The Cattle),سورة الأنعام
7 Al-A'raf (The Heights),سورة الأعراف
8 Al-Anfal (The Spoils of War), سورة الأنفال
9 At-Taubah (The Repentance), سورة التوبة
10 Yunus (Jonah),سورة يونس
11 Hud (Hud),سورة هود
12 Yusuf (Joseph),سورة يوسف
13 Ar-Ra'd (The Thunder), سورة الرعد
14 Ibrahim (Abraham),سورة ابراهيم
15 Al-Hijr (The Stoneland, The Rock City),سورة الحجر
16 An-Nahl (The Bee), سورة النحل
17 Al-Isra (Night Journey,Children of Israel), سورة الإسراء
18 Al-Kahf (The Cave),سورة الكهف
19 Maryam (Mary),سورة مريم
20 Ta-Ha (Ta-Ha),سورة طه
21 Al-Anbiya (The Prophets),سورة الأنبياء
22 Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage, The Hajj),سورة الحج
23 Al-Muminun (The Believers),سورة المؤمنون
24 An-Noor (The Light),سورة النور
25 Al-Furqan (The Criterion),سورة الفرقان
26 Ash-Shu'ara (The Poets),سورة الشعراء
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